Oya Yeğen
Visiting Assistant Professor
International Studies
Sabancı University
Oya Yeğen holds a PhD in Political Science from Boston University (2016) and BA in Political Science from Sabancı University (2007). Before joining Sabancı University, she had previously taught at Simmons College and Boston University. She is the recipient of Dr. Yavuz Abadan Constitutional Law Award (2015) and was a postdoctoral fellow at Koc University Law School (2015-2016). Her research and teaching areas are constitutional reform, politics of constitution-making, Latin American politics, international law and comparative judicial politics.
Selected Publications
Yegen, O. (2018).
Judicial “empowerment” through constitutional change: the case of Chilean and Turkish Constitutional Courts, Research and Policy on Turkey, 3(1), 40-67.
Yegen, O. (2018).
Debating Unamendability: Deadlock in Turkey’s Constitution-Making Process. In: Albert R., Oder B. (eds) An Unamendable Constitution?. Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 68, Springer.
Yegen, O. (2017, January).
Constitutional Developments under the AKP Government of Turkey, Tijdschrift voor Constitutioneel Recht (TvCR), 8.