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Woźniak, Urszula Ewa (Forthcoming)

Urban Tectonis and Lifestyles in Motion. Affective and Spatial Negotiations of Belonging in Tophane, Istanbul

In Hilal Alkan/Nazan Maksudyan (eds.): Urban Neighbourhood Formations. London: Routledge Press

Steinsdorff, Silvia v. (2020)

Verfassungsgeschichte Russlands

in: Arthur Benz, Hans-Joachim Lauth & Stephan Bröchler (eds.): Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte. Dietz-Verlag, 5.

Abad Andrade, Maria (2020)

Counter-Majoritarian Institutions and the Making of the Turkish Constitution

In Zeynep Yanasmayan/Felix Petersen (eds.): The Failure of Popular Constitution Making in Turkey: Regressing toward Constitutional Autocracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

TombuÅŸ, ErtuÄŸ (2020)

The People and Its Embodiment: Authoritarian Foundations of Constitutions in Turkey

In Zeynep Yanasmayan/Felix Petersen (eds.): The Failure of Popular Constitution Making in Turkey: Regressing toward Constitutional Autocracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Steinsdorff, Silvia v. (2019)

(Verfassungs-)Richterliches Entscheiden

In Christian Boulanger et al. (eds.): Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung: Eine Einführung in die geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Befassung mit dem Recht und seiner Praxis, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag, 205-224

YaraÅŸ, Sezen (2019)

The making of 'new' patriach in women's self-narrations of political empowerment: the case of local female AKP politicians in the aftermath of 2009 elections

Turkish Studies 20 (2), 237-296

Göztepe, Ece (2018)

Normative Foundations of the Right to Individual Complaint in Turkey with a Case Study on Electoral Rights

Research and Policy on Turkey, 1, pp. 68-89.

Göztepe, Ece (2018)

The Permanency of the State of Emergency in Turkey. The Rise of a Constituent Power or Only a New Quality of the State?

Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft.

Karaman, Emine Rezzan (2018)

Silencing Historical Traumas vs. Constructing Resistance Narratives: The Saturday Mothers and the Peace Mothers in Turkey

in: Fatma Müge Göçek / Ayça AlemdaroÄŸlu (eds.): Kurds in Turkey: Politics, Violence and Resistance. London: Routledge Press.

Karaman, Emine Rezzan (2018)

The Saturday Mothers in Turkey

in: Nadja Furlan Štante /Anja Zalta / Maja Lamberger Khatib (eds.): Women against War System. Berlin / Zurich / London: Lit Verlag Press.

Petersen, Felix (2018)

Judicial Review and Social Construction: The Case of the Turkish Constitutional Court

Research and Policy on Turkey, 3-1, pp. 18-39

Steinsdorff, Silvia v. (2018)

(Verfassungs-)Richterliches Entscheiden

in: Christian Boulanger et. al. (eds.): Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung. Springer Verlag, pp. 205-224.

Aydın-Çakır, Aylin (2018)

The Impact of Judicial Preferences and Political Context on Constitutional Court Decisions: Evidence from Turkey

International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16-4.

Wozniak, Urszula (2018)

The Mahalle as Margin of the State. Shifting Sensitivities in Two Neighbourhood Spaces of Istanbul.

in: Anthropology of the Middle East, 13 (2): 79–94.

Aygenç, Berfu / TombuÅŸ, ErtuÄŸ (2017)

(Post-)Kemalist secularism in Turkey

Journal of Balkansand Near Eastern Studies, 19-1.

Göztepe, Ece (2017)

Alman Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararları Işığında Türk Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin Bireysel BaÅŸvuru Kararlarının DeÄŸerlendirilmesi
[An Analysis of the Constitutional Complaint Case Law of the Turkish Constitutional Court in the Light of the German Constitutional Court Jurisdiction]

in: Ece Göztepe / Mert Alpbaz (eds.): Anayasa Mahkemesine Bireysel BaÅŸvuru. Türkiye Uygulamasının Almanya ve Strazburg Ekseninde KarşılaÅŸtırılması. Ä°stanbul: Oniki Levha, pp. 111-166.

Göztepe, Ece (2017)

CumhurbaÅŸkanlığı Sistemine GeçiÅŸ ve Anayasa DeÄŸiÅŸikliÄŸi

Güncel Hukuk, 3-159/March, pp. 46-51.

Göztepe, Ece (2017)

Die Anwendung von Art. 5 Abs. 1 lit. a EMRK in Bezug auf die Berechnung der maximalen Dauer der Untersuchungshaft im türkischen Recht. Keine Unterschreitung des verfassungsrechtlichen Schutzniveaus wegen Berücksichtigung der EMRK
[The application of art. 5 par. 1 lit. a ECHR in Turkish Law in terms of the calculation of the maximum term of the pre-trial detention]

EuGRZ, 7-9, pp. 221-229.

Göztepe, Ece (2017)

Ein Paradigmenwechsel für den Sicherheitsstaat: Die Praxis des Ausnahmezustandes im Südosten der Türkei”

in: Matthias Lemke (ed.): Ausnahmezustand. Theoriegeschichte – Anwendungen – Perspektiven, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 105-127.

YanaÅŸmayan, Zeynep (2017)

Oppositional Usages of Europeanization in Turkish Constitution-Making: Discussions on Religious Freedom

Turkish Studies, 18-4, pp. 644-664.

YaraÅŸ, Sezen / YiÄŸit, Ahu (2017)

Renegotiations of Femininity throughout the Constitutional Debates in Turkey: Representative Claims in 2014 Presidential Elections

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.

Göztepe, Ece (2016)

Bireysel Başvuru Kararlarının Bağlayıcılığı ve İcrası Sorunu ile Kurumsallaşma İhtiyacı
[The binding effect and the problem of execution of the individual complaint decisions and the need for institutionalisation]

Anayasa Yargısı, Ankara: Anayasa Mahkemesi Yayınları, 33, pp. 93-118.

Petersen, Felix / Steinsdorff, Silvia v. (2016)

Die „Kopftuch “-Debatte (n) der Gerichte: Bezüge zwischen der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und nationalen Verfassungs-und Obergerichten in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und der Türkei

in: Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 177-232.

Göztepe, Ece (2015)

Die Einführung der Verfassungsbeschwerde in der Türkei. Eine Zwischenbilanz (2012-2014)
[The Introduction of Constitutional Complaint in Turkey. An Appraisal (2012-2014)]

Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, 63, pp. 485-542.

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