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Silvia von Steinsdorff

La situation des cours constitutionnelles dans les pays en voie de ‚dé-démocratisation’

Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, 17. March, 2020

Silvia von Steinsdorff at the Workshop: "Socio-Legal Perspectives on the Rule of Law" of the Law & Society Association

Beyond socio-political sources of legitimation: The Constitutional Court of Turkey between legal and political reasoning

Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), 12-13. March, 2020

Silvia von Steinsdorff at the V-Dem-Conference

Judicial Appointment Procedures: (De)stabilizing Effects on the Autonomy of Courts

WZB Berlin, 11-12. November 2019

Urszula Ewa Woźniak at the "Problematizing Morality" International Summer School of Ludwig-Uhland-Institut (Eberhard Karl Universität Tübingen)

The Neighborhood as Moral Territory

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 24 - 27 September, 2019

Urszula Ewa Woźniak at the RC21 International Conference

The Neighborhood as Political Scale

New Delhi, 18-21 September, 2019

Silvia von Steinsdorff

Judicial Independence in Limbo:The Precarious Role of Constitutional Courts in De-democratizing Countries and the ECtHR

Freie Universität Berlin, August 2019

Urszula Ewa Woźniak at the Fourth Annual European Symposium on Turkey: Societal Conflict and Cohabitation in Turkey and Beyond, SUITS

The Mahalle as Site and Trope of Conflict in Post-Coup Attempt Turkey

Stockholm, 29 November - 1 December 2018

Maria Haimerl, Silvia von Steinsdorff and Ertuğ Tombuş, at Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft
„Grenzen der Demokratie / Frontiers of Democracy“

Authoritarian Constitutionalism - a pathological use of constitutional law and politics?

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (25.9.2018)

Ece Göztepe, at 4. Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen

Normalisierung der Ausnahme? Gegenwartsdiagnosen zum Regieren im Ausnahmezustand

Basel (13.9.2018)

Urszula Ewa Woźniak at the "Neighbourhoods at Times of Change and Crisis" Workshop

Culture(s) of the Neighbourhood and Contested Mahalleli Formations in Post-Coup Attempt Turkey

Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, 17 - 18 May 2018

Ertuğ Tombuş, at Political Theory Workshop

Populism and Religion: Collusion of Two Political Theologies in Turkey

University of Hamburg (24.4.2018)

at the Panel “Politics, Economy and the Constitutional System”, at the Conference “The Political Regimes in Russia and Turkey: A Comparison”

Judicial Independence in Limbo: The Precarious Political Role of Constitutional Courts in Turkey and Russia

Bonner Universitätsforum (24.-25.11.2017)

at the Panel “Constitutional Courts”, at the Conference “Constitutionalism in a Plural World”

Decision-Making by the Turkish Constitutional Court

Catholic University of Portugal (22.-23.11.2017)

Ece Göztepe, at the “Democracy and the State of Exception” Conference

What does the Permanency of the Exception Mean? The Question of Constituent Power in Emergency Regimes

German Historical Institute Paris (13.-14.11.2017)

Silvia von Steinsdorff

‚Democratic backsliding’ within and beyond the EU. Did the normative power of Europe fail?

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (6.10.2017)

Ece Göztepe, at the Panel „Gegenwartsdiagnosen zum Regieren im Ausnahmezustand“, at Vierter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologievereinigungen“

The Permanency of the State of Emergency in Turkey. The Rise of a Constituent Power or Only a New Quality of the State?

Universität Basel (14.9.2017)

Ece Göztepe, at the lecture series „What went wrong in Turkey?“

Die Türkei nach dem Verfassungsreferendum am 16. April 2017 - Demokratisch legitimierter Präsidentialismus oder verfassungswidrige Diktatur?

Philipps-Universität Marburg (11.7.2017)

Ece Göztepe

Social Rights in the Turkish Constitution: Social Rights as Unprivileged Human Rights?

Universität Bielefeld (19.5.2017)

Maria Haimerl, at the Congress „Streitfall Türkei - Innenpolitik - Europapolitik - Sicherheitspolitik“

Die Ära Erdoğan: Verwandlung der Türkei in einen Präsidentialismus à la Turca?

Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing (24.-26.3.2017)

Ece Göztepe, in memory of Prof. Dr. Yavuz Sabuncu’s 10th Death Anniversary (1949-2007)

The Constitutional Changes

Ankara University (16.2.2017)

Ece Göztepe, at the Panel “Ankara Anayasa Tartışıyor”

The State of Emergency

Atina (7.10.2016)

Ece Göztepe, at a seminar by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

The Legal Consequences of the Refugee Crisis

Atina (1.-2.10.2016)

at the Workshop „Türkeiforschung in Deutschland IV“ at the Conference „Turkologentag 2016“

Constitution-Making and the Media in Turkey – Print media’s contribution to the constitution-making process between 2011 and 2013

Hamburg (14.-17.9.2016)

Zeynep Yanaşmayan, Felix Petersen, Oya Yeğen, Ertuğ Tombuş, at IPSA World Congress of Political Science

Constitution-Making in Turkey

Poznan (26.7.2016)

Silvia von Steinsdorff, at Dritter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen - „Die Versprechungen des Rechts“

Das türkische Verfassungsgericht: Ein legitimitätsgefährdender Akteur oder Schützer der verfassten Demokratie?

Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin (10.9.2015)

Silvia von Steinsdorff, at Prof. Dr. Roland Lhotta’s Colloquium “Democracy Research”

Constitutional Jurisdiction and Democracy in Turkey

Helmut Schmidt Universitat, Hamburg (17.11.2014)

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