Urszula Woźniak

Research Associate
+49 30 2093 66609
Urszula Woźniak is a PhD candidate in Sociology and a research associate at the chair for Comparative Political Sciences and Political Systems of Eastern Europe at the Department for Social Sciences Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She holds an MA degree in European Ethnology from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research interests include political sociology and political anthropology, migration and transnationalism, urban studies and Turkish studies. Based on an ethnographic research on two Istanbulite neighborhoods, her PhD project examines the relevance of the neighborhood (mahalle) as a contested system of order in both the realm of everyday life and political discourse.
Selected Publications
Wozniak, U. (2018). The Mahalle as Margin of the State.
Shifting Sensitivities in Two Neighbourhood Spaces of Istanbul, Anthropology of the Middle East, 13(2), 79-94.
Wozniak, U. (2018). Diversity in the monochrome? In W. Hohberger, R. Karadag, K. Müller & C. Ramm (Eds.), Grenzräume, Grenzgänge, Entgrenzungen.
Wiesbaden: Springer VS.