Defne Över

Early Career Fellow
Institute for Advanced Study
Lichtenberg Kolleg - Göttingen University
Defne Över is a political sociologist interested in the study of political institutions, social movements, national identities, and human rights. She earned her PhD from the Department of Sociology of Cornell University, USA, her MA from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, and her BA from Boğaziçi University, Turkey. Över’s current work centers on a set of important questions raised by the return of repressive regimes and mass mobilization in the 21st century. In her book, she explores changing political, economic and cultural contexts of the decay in journalism both as a profession and a medium of the democratic process in Turkey. In two other comparative projects, she focuses on high courts’ freedom of expression decisions and success of populist parties.
İlkiz, F., & D. Över (2018).
Freedom of expression and the press in Turkey. In E. Altındiş, G. Özpınar & E. Özyürek (Eds.), Authoritarianism and resistance in Turkey: Conversations on democratic and social challenges. Springer.
Över, D., & B. Taraktaş (2017).
When does repression trigger mass protest? The case of 2013 Gezi Protests. Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, 41, 205-239.
Över, D. (2016).
Cultural tourism and complex histories: The Armenian Akhtamar Church, the Turkish state and national identity. Qualitative Sociology, 39(2), 173-194.