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Prof. Dr. Ece Göztepe

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+90 312 290 10 38

Ece Göztepe Çelebi earned her BA and LLM in law/public law at the University of Ankara/Turkey. She obtained her PhD in German and European public law from the University of Münster/Germany and has been meanwhile a postgraduate fellow of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Afterwards she worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Political Sciences at the University of Münster where she offered courses on gender studies, the juridical and political system of Turkey as well as theories of democracy (2002-2005). As of September 2005, Göztepe has been teaching Turkish and comparative constitutional law at the Law Faculty of the Bilkent University (Ankara/Turkey). She has been awarded with the research scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) (2012-2013) and serves since 2014 as ambassador scientist of the AvH. Her research and teaching interests focuses especially on constitutional review, citizenship, democracy and legitimation, political rights, gender equality, European public law with special emphasis on sovereignty, integration theories and European identity.

Selected Publications

Göztepe, E. (2018).

The permanency of the sate of emergency in Turkey. The rise of a constituent power or only a new quality of the state? Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 4.

Göztepe, E. (2018).
Normative foundations of the right to individual complaint in Turkey with a case study on electoral rights. Research and Policy on Turkey, 1, 68-89.

Alpbaz, M. M., & E. Göztepe (Eds.). (2017).
Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne bireysel başvuru Türkiye uygulamasının Almanya ve Strazburg ekseninde karşılaştırılması [Constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court. The Turkish Case in comparison with Strasbourg and Germany]. Ankara: On İki Levha Yayıncılık.

Göztepe, E. (2017).
Die Anwendung von Art. 5 Abs. 1 lit. a EMRK in Bezug auf die Berechnung der maximalen Dauer der Untersuchungshaft im türkischen Recht [The application of art. 5 par. 1 lit. a ECHR in Turkish Law in terms of the calculation of the maximum term of the pre-trial detention]. Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift (EuGRZ), 7(9), 221-229.

Göztepe, E. (2017).
İnsan haklarının korunmasında geçici tedbir. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi, Almanya ve Türkiye örnekleri [Interim measures in the protection of human rights. Examples of the European Court of Human Rights, Germany and Turkey]. İstanbul: Oniki Levha Yayınları.

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